Soft and strong / Les mots doux & puissants
Life creative process
Who takes part in your creation?
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -23:09

Who takes part in your creation?

EP8 LIFE CREATIVE PROCESS Creating alone and/or together

NB: Ceci est la version en anglais de mon podcast. Si vous ne souhaitez pas recevoir cette version, cliquez sur “unsubscribe” en bas de mail et décochez dans la liste “Life creative process”.

I took some time to sit with these questions:

  • Am I really a creative loner ?

  • Which environments give birth to my creation?

  • How people are involved in my creation gesture?

  • How I as a socially awkward person became this artist creating and co-creating naked soul into the world

  • What kind of creative activity or creative stage of my process do I like to spend alone or to share with other people?

Though I may seem (even sometimes to myself) to be a lonely artist, 

I teach my bodyvoice practice to people in a co-creative way.

And there are also many beings involved in all of my creations… even if they don’t know about it at all. :)

I hope this episod will inspire you to have some reflections about your own ways, maybe to let go of those that don’t serve your creative soul, or maybe to develop those you feel like you need to expand your own creative voice.

Take care of your art

as you take care of yourself.


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