Soft and strong / Les mots doux & puissants
Life creative process
How meditation changed my art practice
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -25:20

How meditation changed my art practice

Life creative process EP9

NB: Ceci est la version en anglais de mon podcast. Si vous ne souhaitez pas recevoir cette version, cliquez sur “unsubscribe” en bas de mail et décochez dans la liste “Life creative process”.

Do you meditate?

Do you have trouble with it, or does it help you in you art practice?

Did you ever consider building your own personal way of meditating, not just sitting silently on a cushion?

I started to meditate 25 years ago as I was this 18 very anxious-feeling-weird-and-separate girl.

Meditation and singing were two distinct parts of my life at that time.

Now my meditation practice supports and nurtures my art practice, both vocal improvisation and writing.

I realised through the years how vocal improvisation is close to the meditative spirit, and brought the same benefits.

And how meditation was really helping to bring more breath and easiness into my poetry writing.

In this episod I share some aspects of my art practice that have been transformed thanks to meditation. And how I finally feel this strong and natural unity within myself, joining all my parts into a more harmonious way of living.

I hope you will find some inspiration in my words.

Take care of your art

as you take care of yourself.


Bodyvoice flow to nurture your art practice

If you’re interested in reconnecting more easily with your creative flow, I invite you to the Bodyvoice flow sessions to discover a unique creative routine that you can make your own to anchor yourself in the present moment before moving to your art practice. We gently and creatively wake up our body and voice through intuitive movement, energetic exercises, guided vocal improvisation and a slice of reading poetry.

Each Saturday morning 9.00am CET or replay. Infos : Bodyvoice flow sessions

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