Finding the right words for 2025... or letting ourselves be found?
A reverse ritual pour the new year
For a long time I went to bed early*;) crossing my belly so that during the coming year, I would finally be able to dare to do like others, to show myself, to make my voice heard.
(* the famous first phrase of Marcel Proust’s masterpiece : “In search of lost time”)
When I was a child, then a young adult, and again until not so long ago, the new year was a good excuse to implement what I call my superstitious faith:
making lists, lists... of resolutions, dreams, wishes, making “visualisation boards”, yet being totally disconnected from me, but having the feeling of returning control. Until recently, in my life as an entrepreneur: setting goals, planning etc.
In the end: putting pressure on me for nothing, making me feel guilty when I couldn’t get there, believing that I really had a problem because I couldn’t make things change by my own will.
This research was time lost in a sense and yet led me to finally look at the new years very differently.
To understand what makes sense for me even if it seems marginal, to observe better what respects the rhythm of my body and makes me feel in harmony with nature. And I realized that starting from this, starting from the heart rather than the head, allows me to structure in a more aligned way. In other words, use your head last rather than first. Oh, it has required of me to trust in Life in such a gentle yet radical way!
For me, the tangible feeling in my cells of the transition to the new year is later, often early February, sometimes at the end of January. Who lives close to nature often understands it in the same way -the city and unnecessary noises cut us off from this somatic wisdom.
The perception of continuity brings me more peace, joy, freedom and the taste of the present moment. It also makes me feel safe: everything can continue as last year, but everything can also change if I open myself and commit myself to it.
That’s also why, at the moment, I continue to train myself to slow down (and it is quite challenging!), to prioritize long walks outside, to let things gently reveal themselves to my consciousness at the right time.
Slowing down helps us to conserve our energy, especially when the mind is going so fast that it exhausts the body because it is out of step with the emotional metabolism. To preserve our energy, and nourish it, we can make use of the energetic portals of our anatomy. I am not creating anything new at the moment, so for these months of December and January, I propose again the workshop in autonomy “Master your inner energy to avoid drainings” (see below).
Everyone has their own way of living words. For me, they are not tools for the mind to add control. I like to let myself be carried by them, also choose a word for the new year, for me, comes from the voluntarist will to influence the course of things. That’s how I did it anyway.
The somatic writing as I am engaged in allows me to receive more of the energy of the teachings of the coming year. In concrete terms, this means that I no longer set a date for myself to sit down and “think” or meditate on what will be important to me this year. No.
I let my heart decide, I let myself feel. I let myself feel infinitely, and I know that sooner or later, at the most appropriate moment, a word, a sentence will be formulated from the energy slowly emerging out of winter. Since I let myself be found by words: no more unnecessary pressure, more intuition, and the happiness of seeing how life brings us more information when we let it act a little. And that what comes to me is like a gift: the right words at the right time.
And then I also realized that the way we look at last year, as well as next year, reflects how we let go and enter relationships into our lives (I’ll let you unwrap the thread, rich in insights if you’re willing to play).
Of course, all this does not prevent us from having intentions, wishes, dreams, desires, goals... and we find more internal security when we structure our days with rituals or routines that nourish and inspire us. Everything can coexist harmoniously when it comes freely from oneself.
Let go to let in, savor the good, the beautiful, the good, not ruminate unnecessarily, hope while acting concretely to make the present moment a living instant (and if needed, this of course includes doing nothing ;) ). That’s all I want for this end of the year.
See you soon in 2025, may you live 2024’s ending as you want to.
Happy celebrations to those who celebrate, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or New Year’s Eve!
Marion Dorval
Hybrid artist & Bodyvoice flow practitioner Praticienne Bodyvoice flow
Réparer.Libérer.Incarner ∞ Touch.Vibrate.Resonate
Master your inner energy to avoid drainings
Learn how to preserve, concentrate and increase your energy through routines and bodyvoice exercises around energetic gateways and body’s orifices. Shift your sensorial paradigm : instead of avoiding any draining situation, become able to prevent energetic drains and keep your energy container full.
Next live : Bodyvoice flow routine :
Free Bodyvoice flow routine on Insight timer Celebrate your inner child in 2025 !
Sat. Jan. 4 - 8H00 CET